Thursday, April 10, 2014

Suited up!

Normally I throw on some comfy jeans and a top, but with Boston getting into higher temps, it motivated me to step out better than I normally would. Let's face it, winter is not a season I yearn to get up and get dressed. I'd much rather throw on some sweats and plop myself on the couch. The suit I'm wearing is one I found last year around this time (on sale of course!). I deviate towards black way more than I care to, so this pop of color is just what I needed to kick off Spring! I paired it with some bone colored pumps, which are trending this season. I chose to go with bone as oppose to all white because I am an expert at ruining anything white, so the bone color works much better for a girl like me. As always, thanks for stopping by and a HAPPY FRIDAY to you all!

Suit: HM, Clutch: HM, Shoes: Aldo, Shirt: Express, Glasses: 9Five 

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Your Haitianistas

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