We are the Latortue sisters, Cassandre and Farrah,  from Boston a.k.a "Beantown". Although we were born and raised in Boston, both of our parents are from Haiti. We both love our culture and fashion, which makes us Haitian Fashionistas, hence the name Haitianistas!

Our first inspiration is without a doubt our beloved parents! Our parents have amazing sense of style, which consists of classic elegance. Growing up, our mom would always come home from work with a fashion forward outfit or piece that she picked up for us at a great price, which we always received compliments for. It’s certainly no surprise that we grew up to be the fashionable frugal shoppers that we are. She also taught us to have a keen eye for quality clothing. After all whether you bought it for $10 or $100, if it falls apart on you, it’s not worth the purchase. You’ll find out about some of our other inspirations through our blog.

In our house growing up, image was very important. We were taught to walk out the house looking our best at all times. On Saturday mornings before church, daddy would come to the room holding up three different ties to his neck and we would help him choose which tie matched his suit the best (something he still does :-) ).
 It feels good to know that he values our opinion, after all we are daddy’s girls.

The bulk of our wardrobe consists of fashion finds from T.J Maxx, Marshalls, H&M, and online at Zara and ASOS. Our philosophy is that you don’t have to spend a million bucks to look like a million bucks. So, in this blog we will update you on frugal fashion finds from some of our favorite stores listed above, and showcase our style through our outfit posts. We will also give you a peek into the Haitian culture that our lives are centered around.

Though we are similar in style we are also different in many ways. One has a tall slender frame, like that of a model while the other has a tall, curvy frame; giving you insight on how to style different body types through our outfit posts. Both of us have natural hair coiled into beautiful locs, which we maintain on a regular basis. For those of you who are natural or looking to be natural, the versatility of our hairstyles just might temp you enough to grow some locs!

We know you will enjoy our blog so don’t forget to comment on our posts to let us know what you think and we will be sure to respond! Thanks for visiting and always remember that being happy is a choice so choose to be happy today!


Your Haitianistas Cassandre & Farrah